Monday, August 29, 2005

some things are worth letting go...

sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go something that you've always wanted. u hav been trying to get that thing for very long but its time when you tell yourself- "hey.. forget it! get on with life n do what you do best!" As much as i dont want it to happen, i guess the time has come for me. like they always say, in life you don't always get what you want. I totally agree with it. no doubt at all. n i oso believe in live life with what you have and not what you want! it will be very contradictory if i tell u people oso not to give up in what you want and believe in. But HEY! its true too.

the bottom line is, you should how far you will be willing to sacrifice something in which you dreamt for. BUT then oso know that there are limits in life. once it has surpass the limit, then stop wasting your time and get on with life. let your dreams make u reach greater heights- so work for it but at no time let it control you. n how do you know wen ur a slave of ur dream? when you go against ur principles and priorites and play dirty just to achieve it.

influence i believe is something lethal. it has the power to affect people. either enlighten it with good things or poison it with evil things. it can and will change one's mind. so beware people! dun get influenced easily for most time it does more damage than good.

now for my priority check:
hm.. wat issit that i want now?!
1. Clear my Promotional Exams.
2. Excel in the sport i love most, rugby.
3. Support my friends!

another thing, some people think its good to know everything thats happening around you. let me tell u now its hell no! trust me on tis, sometimes it better not to know too much things. keep things simple so u wont have ur feelings hurt and confused.

hm... mabye the things i jus blog may be confusing and hav no link or irrelavant to you reading. if tats the case then hack it.

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