Thursday, November 05, 2009

one moment in time

Went for financial accounting 250 consultation this morning. It was short and productive session. Managed to ask my tutor about some of my doubts in PPE and CT. Spent the whole day just practising questions over and over again from the revision pack. I hope I'm ready.

It really frustrates me when one tells another person not to be emotional (or in slang, emo). I strongly believe everyone has the very right to be emotional. If you're telling me you can't, you are either not human or seriously in need of professional help. Therefore, stop being stupid, irritating and idiotic by telling another person "dont be emo". If you claim it's a figure of speech, it's the worst one, seriously. It is obvious that the person is feeling emotional and there can be plenty of reasons contributing it. By you saying that irritating line, you are not respecting him as your friend and individual. He definately has issues and as a friend you are supposed to help him in anyway possible. So gents, grow up. Be more receptive of your friend's emotions. Further more, if you are going to say that to someone who is currently feeling emotional, you will make him worse. Unless, that's what you want.

Finally had a run today. I feel more refreshed and focus. Night mugging probably? Or just sleep? Hm....

I need to start filtering my "friends" in fb... After exams!

Quote of the Day:
"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley, 1875

Lyrics of the Day:

Each day I live
I want to be
A day to give
The best of me
I'm only one
But not alone
My finest day
Is yet unknown

I broke my heart
Fought every gain
To taste the sweet
I face the pain
I rise and fall
Yet through it all
This much remains

I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

I've lived to be
The very best
I want it all
No time for less
I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance
Here in my hands

Taken (part) from One Moment In Time by Whitney Houston

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